Free after 28 days in Jail!


I’m happy to let you know that after 28 days in Israeli military jail I am finally free! My name is Yoav, I’m a 19 years old Israeli. I wrote to you in May about my refusal to become a soldier of the Israeli occupation and to enforce appartheid on Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza strip. I want to thank you for supporting me! I received over 400 support letters during my stay in jail and it really meant a lot to me. 

I would also like to take this opportunity to invite you to a free webinar this Wednesday, June 22nd, with my dear friends Shahar Perets and Eran Aviv. In the webinar Shahar and Eran will share their stories of refusing to do military service, as well as discuss current developments in the conflict in Israel/Palestine, with their particular significance for us as young people. Please register at this link and share it with your friends and family

When I first set out on my journey of conscientious objection I was unaware of what a long and hard process it would be. I first refused in December and was given the following options: Service in a non-combat position; seeing a psychiatrist; or going to jail. After receiving support from Mesarvot, I was able to push for a meeting with the committee that is in charge of granting exemptions from military service based on conscientious objection. 

I got to plead my case in front of the committee in February. Afterwards I was notified that I only received an exemption from carrying a weapon during my military service. A month later when I was called back to begin my service I refused again, because even without a weapon I am not willing to take any part in the oppression of the Palestinian people carried out daily by the Israeli army

That time I was sentenced to 8 days in military jail. After my release I was asked to report back to the enlistment center. I refused a third time and was sentenced to 20 days in jail. At that point I appealed the committee’s decision to give me an exemption only from carrying a weapon and finally, after serving 28 days in jail, I was granted a complete exemption from service! 

Looking back at the whole process, it was all worth it. Refusing to serve is the most powerful act I could take to counter Israeli militarism and show solidarity with Palestinians.